The author expounds his own view on importance of secure production control in construction site and how to make a good job of guard for secure production supervision organization. 通过对建筑工地日常消防监督检查及原因分析,论述了加强建筑施工现场消防安全管理和火灾预防的对策等问题。
Do a good job of managing grain purchase markets, invigorating grain sales markets and tightening supervision over them. 确实管好粮食收购市场,搞活粮食销售市场,加强粮食市场监管。
Monitor and review job performance of staffs under direct supervision pursuant to company management standards and policy and report to engineer manager. 按公司管理规定,监督检查直属各级员工之纪律、考勤及考核工作,并向工程总工汇报。
The chief engineer must completely fultill his responsibilities on basis of the requirements of job responsibilities and be fully responsible for the supervision work of the construction lot. 建立总监理工程师必须按岗位职责要求全面履行总监职责,对本标段监理工作的质量负总责。
If the nature of your job changes we will make every effort to ensure that you understand the level of performance expected of you and that you receive adequate training and supervision. 当工作岗位的性质发生变化时,公司将尽最大努力以保证雇员能清楚公司对该工作岗位的能力要求,并对雇员进行相应的培训和指导。
Characteristics of Elementary and Middle School Physical Education Job Supervision and Evaluation Index System and methods for its implementation 《中小学体育工作督导评估指标体系》的特点与实施办法
The agency established within an administrative region at a lower level by a department of the people's government at a higher level shall do a good job in the food safety supervision and administration under the uniform coordination of the local people's government. 上级人民政府所属部门在下级行政区域设置的机构应当在所在地人民政府的统一组织、协调下,依法做好食品安全监督管理工作。
The job target of coal geological exploration supervision is "three-control, two-management, and one-coordination". 在煤炭地质勘查监理的工作目标是“三个控制、二个管理、一个协调”,质量控制是监理工作的核心。
Ability to perform job functions with minimal supervision. 在无人监督的情况下能够完成工作职能。
The job is done under the supervision of the set decorator or production designer. 他们所做的工作受布景师或者制片设计师监管。
The supervision engineer must strictly fulfill the supervision code and job responsibilities stipulated by the work construction supervision cotract during the supervision process. 监理工程师在监理过程中必须严格履行监理规范和本项目工程监理合同所规定的工作职责。
The five facets of the Job satisfaction are work on present job, present pay, opportunities for promotion, supervision, and coworkers. The effective method of drive mechanism to the general knowledge staff is mainly the salary drive, the surplus income drive, work drive. 工作满意度可分为工作本身、与上级关系、与同事关系、升迁制度和薪酬五个方面;面向一般知识型员工激励的有效方法主要有薪酬激励、剩余收益激励、工作本身的激励。
Then we set up the Globus service model, which encapsulating a series of services such as grid environment, job submission, allocation, execution and supervision. 其次建立了Globus网格系统实现并行计算的服务模型,该模型把进入网格环境、提交任务、分配任务、执行任务、监测任务视为Globus封装的一系列服务;
To do a good job in the aspect, an enterprise should standardize its decision-making procedures and methods according to its own reality, strengthen supervision and check, perfect its structure and systems, build up its leading body and improve leaders'quality. 国有企业要结合自身实际,规范参与决策的程序和方法并加强对参与决策的监督、检查,健全参与决策的体制和制度,加强企业领导班子建设,提高企业领导班子的整体素质。
A Study on Making a Good Job of Fishing Vessel Inspection and Fishing Port Supervision, Ensuring Fishery Production Safety 关于搞好渔船检验港监保障渔业生产安全的探讨
The research adopts self made-up conduct imputation survey to test PP suspects and analyzes the result of the test in order to offer references to the job of investigation, inquest and supervision. 本研究依据归因理论,采用自编的行为归因问卷,对九十九名犯罪嫌疑人试测,并对测试结果作了分析,以期为侦查及审讯、监管工作提供参考。
In order to guarantee reinforcing bar project quality, the job must start from the spot of the construction and people carting on quality and supervision in each constructing link to guarantee the reinforced concrete safe and durable in its normal service life. 为了保证钢筋工程质量,要从钢筋投入施工现场开始,进行各个施工环节的质量监控,确保结构中的钢筋混凝土受力构件在正常的使用年限内安全和耐久。
Basic job of water administration supervision standardization 水政监察规范化建设有关基础工作的探讨
How to make a good job of Quality Domination in Highway Construction Supervision 论如何搞好公路施工监理的质量控制
The auditing job of economic responsibilities in colleges and universities is a major activity for economic supervision and appraisal. 高等学校内部经济责任审计工作是一项主要的经济监督与评价活动。
The equity structure reform of rural credit cooperative is not an independent job, there must be good external environment condition to guarantee, especially need good economic base, rigorous legal system and proper financial supervision. 农村信用社股权结构改革并不是一项独立的工作,必须有良好的外部环境作保证,特别是需要良好的经济基础、严谨的法律制度以及适当的金融监管。
Thirdly, the government should do a good job on guidance and supervision of the 4-trillion-yuan investment plan. 第三,政府要做好对4万亿投资的引导和监管。
The job of the highway project quality supervision is complicated, miscellaneous and trivial, and the department and the employee are also numerous and complicated, so the traditional supervision managing pattern is already very difficult to adapt to the current situation of the highway project quality supervision. 公路工程质量监督管理工作是一项复杂、繁琐的工作,涉及的单位、人员也纷繁复杂,传统的监督管理模式已很难适应公路工程监督管理的现状。
Conversely, low self-esteem organization employees think they were not taken seriously, their ability to work properly exert little influence on whether the organization, so you can not improve job performance.3.Organization of self-esteem plays an intermediary role between Abusive Supervision and job performance. 反之,低组织自尊的员工认为自己不被重视,自己的工作能力是否发挥得当对组织的影响不大,所以工作绩效就无法提高。3.组织自尊在辱虐管理与工作绩效之间起中介作用。
Government public management as the main undertaker, completely has the responsibility to have the duty to do a good job in the food safety supervision work. 政府作为社会公共管理的主要承担者,完全有责任有义务来做好食品安全监管工作。
Social aspects should pay attention to boarding primary school, to do a good job of supervision and boarding primary school; Optimization of boarding education resources, improve teaching quality; Operating conditions, meet the demand of boarders. 一是社会方面,应关注寄宿小学生,做好寄宿制小学的监督工作;优化寄宿制教育资源,提高办学质量;改善办学条件,满足寄宿生需求。
According to this law, the administrative departments for public health required daily public health main job is conversion, two level hygiene administrative department will no longer for implementation of food production, circulation and catering services of food supervision and management activities. 根据该条法律要求,卫生行政部门日常公共卫生主要工作内容即将发生转换,两级卫生行政部门将不再实施对食品生产、食品流通、餐饮服务活动的监督管理工作。
In the specification and improvement of combination of Industry and finance of enterprise groups, the government should do a good job in guiding enterprises to develop the main business finance, strengthening the administrative supervision system and promoting financial holding legislative. 政府在规范与完善企业集团产融结合行为方面,应做好引导企业发展主业相关金融、加强行政监管体系、推动金融控股公司立法等工作。
At the same time, job loggings, related summaries, articles published, relevant policies and other written documents concerned as to the experiences and practices of farmers 'participation in the supervision of CMS were collected. 同时收集调查地区有关农民参与新型农村合作医疗监管的经验与做法等有关工作记录、相关总结、发表的文章、有关政策等相关书面资料。